52nd Festival of San Francisco
James Toback and Tyson
2009 Appeared in the journal Sequences
turn, this combat sport
Born the same year as the output of Vertigo (1958) Alfred Hitchcock - incidentally shot near the Golden Gate, San Francisco and its film festival, the oldest in North America, submitted this year's Awards Kanbar screenwriting veteran James Toback, one of the few 'bums' paid Hollywood just as John Carpenter, Lech Kowalski or Monte Hellman. Toback has remembered the tortuous path that led it to make a documentary about Tyson's boxing's most controversial 20th century. Sequences was there. Stocky
as a trucker in the Midwest, Toback features the black head to toe, contrasting with his receding hairline and small size. Confessing his weakness for partygoers and cracked, the screenwriter of Bugsy and director Pick-up Artist is rare, however, and prefers the presence of stray cats in the posh neighborhoods of the Coast West.
This is not by accident that he became friends with boxer Mike Tyson in the mid-1980s before it accesses the glory and folly. Toback admit at the outset his gambling problems (his first feature film titled The Gambler incidentally), his frantic consumption of LSD and its legendary orgies alongside the equally legendary football player Jim Brown, he enlisted A few years later Fingers.
launched at Cannes in 2008, Tyson Toback back on center stage despite a television documentary process, some effect attempting to inculcate a spirituality hazardous to the boxer repeatedly jailed and a tendency to excuse his questionable behavior erratic in its operation and simplicity.
"I met Tyson when he was in his early twenties, in the early days of his training, was remembered Toback. I like going to the discovery of others, especially those who are not afraid to use various facets of their personality. LSD had allowed me to open up to other parts of my character, and thus I learned that my other "I" is, believe it or not, a black athlete. I am completely fascinated by them, both in football than basketball as a boxing ring. I also have a natural affection for the paranoid, the character played by James Caan in The Gambler belongs to this category, as Jim Brown. "
As such, Toback also recounted the genesis of Fingers, which he had written the script entirely in an airplane during a flight, and how he managed to convince Jim Brown to recreate the famous scene of sexual violence with two women drawn from his own adventures, which earned him a stay in addition to the penitentiary. The multiple links between Brown and Tyson are obvious.
"Jim Brown had shown us one and the other in 1985 when he was at United Artists called on the board Pick-up Artist (1987) to meet Robert Downey Jr., and it and I offered him a role 12 years later alongside Downey Jr. - who also came out of detox - in Black and White , during which Tyson says with conviction the difficulty to be searched completely in jail. This particular scene prompted me to devote while a movie about it. But as he has had his strange ways between the ring and the prison, the project was postponed several times. I had to leave his rehab in just five days in order to make the film, I did not take any risk and we shot a documentary at home and in the vicinity, then I completed the installation during a whole year. "
Some denounced Tyson filigree friendship between the filmmaker and his subject, but it is highly likely, however, that anyone would have had access to such confidences boxer yet recognized for its lack of inhibition. "You know, Werner Herzog was offered good money to Tyson that he indulges in his camera and then do a portrait of him, but Mike is loyal to his friends and refused friendship for me, knowing that it would derive no monetary benefit from my documentary, despite his honorary title of executive producer of the film, welcomed Toback.
The filmmaker admitted that apart from Tyson, he would have liked to make documentaries about Jack Johnson, Jack Dempsey, Sugar Ray Robinson or Rocky Marciano, "proving that other boxers is a greater proportion of interesting people in boxing than in all other sports combined. "
© 2009 Charles-Stéphane Roy
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